“Who Else Would Like To Put An End To Their Prosthetic Pains, Problems & Frustrations?”
Would You Be Open-Minded To Getting A Smarter, Better Looking and Customized Perfect-Fitting Prosthesis or Orthosis?
Click and watch this amputee’s life-changing journey
with Ropp Clinic and give us a call to discover
how we can help you too…
“It’s true, we promise you’ll get a prosthesis that fits perfectly. Your prosthetic pain, discomfort & frustration will end. Your prosthesis will be customized to match your lifestyle, dreams and goals, whatever they are. Your prosthetist should help you make your prostheses as much a part of you and your lifestyle as your clothes or glasses.”
We’re a dedicated family and community-based prosthetic and orthotic clinic. In fact, many of our clients become long-time friends and refer their friends and family when needed.
With over 30 years of
You’ll love the incredible prosthesis or orthotic we create for you that will help you do more than you thought possible.
Creating, repairing or improving for you the most useful and comfortable prosthetics or orthotics while showing you how to wear it, use it and own it is what we love doing.
Ultimately, we become an indispensable part of your life. We team up with you, your case manager, your physician, your vascular surgeon and your physical therapist to provide you with the best prosthetic or orthotic device, care and support.
By the way, home visits are available at no extra cost. Call now, 248-669-9222 and schedule your consultation, appointment or home visit.
Amputees who need prosthetic and orthotic care are our reason for being.
We’re here to help you excel and meet all your personal goals.
Let us help you not only survive after your amputation but to thrive, to do more and to become whatever you want.
- Reduce/Eliminate Pain 97.3%
- Friendly service 99.7%
- Latest Technology 96.6%

“Our goal and serious promise to you: Create your PAIN-FREE prosthesis or orthosis and to help you enjoy life centered around what you love to do.”
—Jeff Ropp, President/Certified Prosthetist
Amputee are you frustrated, suffering or struggling with your prosthesis? Is it uncomfortable? Is it painful? Is it heavy? Is it hot?
Now imagine how a perfect-fit prosthesis could change your life…
We’d Love To Help You Achieve More!
Schedule Your FREE Prosthetic Consultation/Evaluation
at Ropp Clinic Today, 248-669-9222
These Patients Have Their Say:
“Is 780 miles—round trip—per visit worth it to see your prosthetist?”
“For me… Heck Yes!
Why? Because when I was 19, I was in a major motorcycle accident and lost my leg below the knee. That was 34 years ago and since then I have been to over five prosthetic facilities.
Anyway, I lived in Michigan and Ohio during that time and have been to almost every prosthetic facility in the Ohio/Southern Michigan area looking for the perfect fitting prostheses.
And sadly, for most of the 34 years, I’d been having a lot of problems and frustrations with all my prostheses and the clinics that were suppose to be helping me. My leg almost always hurt really really bad and bled on and off and was very painful.
Luckily for me, I found and started seeing Jeff at Ropp Orthopedic Clinic.
Yes, I was skeptical at first, then Jeff looked at my leg and started asked me many personal questions about what I liked and didn’t like with the last legs. We talked about my past history and frustration of not getting a good fitting leg for so many years.
Jeff had a few new ideas and together we came up with a plan for a new leg.
Jeff made the leg, I tested it out for a few weeks and really liked it. It was very comfortable. And the best part is it fit my lifestyle and what I love doing.
I’m a farmer and a woodworker and I wanted a leg I didn’t have to keep adjusting all day long. I was tired of having to take my sleeve down and add socks and then pull the leg back up. With this new leg, I didn’t have do it anymore.
And, guess what else? My new leg has a walnut wood looking outer covering! And being a woodworker, it’s really cool!
I’m excited to be able to do the things I love and especially being able to build my business. I really enjoy working with Ropp Orthopedic Clinic and having a pain free prosthesis. This is the reason I travel all of those miles, because I can now do so many more things, it’s truly amazing.
“Thanks Jeff, almost overnight you’ve changed my life for the better. I couldn’t be more happy and excited.”
“Discover How Stella Got Her New Legs,
How It Changed Her Life And Much Much More…”
“Jeff is a real detailed person, is just the right personality to be fitting me for one a prosthetic limb.
Jeff is also an inventor, he worked on my wheelchair so my leg would be more comfortable while sitting.
Jeff was awesome. My knee need does not bend and my leg had problems with rubbing back of my leg.
Jeff cut the prosthetic leg to get the fit just right.
Jeff loves what he is doing and he is not happy until you are completely satisfied.”
“If your prosthetic leg doesn’t fit correctly you can’t walk very well, so Jeff Ropp keeps working to make everything right.
Jeff does a great job, and wonderful to work with. He never gives up. Always spends as much time as a takes to make you comfortable in your prosthetic and makes sure it’s just right.
Hope I don’t ever have to recommend him for orthopedic needs, “but” if I should, I certainly would put him at the top of the list. Great guy and great service.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a few questions we are asked a lot… And the answers to those questions.
We understand you are one-of-a-kind with unique needs, frustrations and questions. Please call us now for clear answers to your specific questions: 248-669-9222.
Our wonderful prosthetist (Jeff Ropp) and dedicated staff always listen closely to make sure you are completely aware of what it takes to get the most perfect-fit prosthetic possible.
Communication with you and your family helps focus and plan how the best, personal and most practical prosthetic will be created helping you avoid frustrations while improving your quality of life.
Working directly, both pre-surgery and post-surgery with you, your family, your surgeon, your vascular surgeon and your case manager always helps you get the best possible care and the fastest and smoothest post-surgery recovery.
Why does my prosthesis almost always hurt?
There may be many reasons a prosthesis hurts.
If your limb is in good shape and there are not any underlying problems, like bone spurs, infections or neuromas, then your socket should fit perfect without pain or discomfort.
Many times this can be sizing and fitting issues.
Sometimes the socket shape doesn’t fit the limb properly and hurts when you put weight on the limb.
There are many many different ways to get your socket to fit properly and we’ll explore and talk about all your options with you during your evaluation, consultation and visit.
Just imagine the impact on your life a perfect-fit prosthesis could have for you.
Call now to schedule: 248-669-9222.
Can I walk “normal” with prosthesis?
It depends on many factors:
- How long ago you had your amputation.
- The reason for your amputation.
- Whether you have an above the knee or below the knee prosthesis.
- What physical shape are you in.
- Even having a comfortable prosthesis doesn’t guarantee you will be able to walk “normal.”
You may need physical therapy, including gait training and limb strengthening.
Much of it depends on how motivated you are to want to walk normal again!
And please keep in mind, “Fear is a disease and hope is the only cure.”
Can I customize my prosthesis?
Simply share with us what you want and we’ll share with you all the options for color, type and custom covers that are available, and most important, what best meets your needs and lifestyle.
You’ll look through our picture guide for some of the different prostheses we and others have created.
The customization options are almost endless.
If you can imagine it, we can almost always create it.